Protect your websites and your clients.

“I was shocked when I learned that 3rd parties could steal leads by using browser plugins. While it may only impact a small percentage of my leads, I was irate to learn that (1) single lead could be stolen. Law Firm Protector, developed by Cloud 8 Sixteen, protects my websites and reduces the risk of having my leads stolen."

Michael Rose, Hach & Rose, LLP

Unscrupulous marketing companies might be hijacking leads directly off of your website.

A specific type of spyware is currently infecting millions of users' internet browsers. As a result, a visitor who might think they are contacting your firm is actually being intercepted, and their contact info is being distributed to a third party.

Here is a video demonstration on how this spyware interference takes place. You will see a foreign contact form appears on the visitor's browser, and actually overlays your firm's website. Law Firm Protector can help prevent these contacts from being poached off your website.

Get Started Protecting Your Site

Cloud 8 Sixteen, Inc.
115 Wild Basin Rd.
Suite 200
Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (800) 267-1704
Fax: (512) 532-6667

Click here to learn more about Cloud 8 Sixteen, Inc.

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